Marriage & RelationshipsSelf-Help

The Magic Of Making Up by TW (T Dub) Jackson - Full Review

The magic of making up is book written by TW (T Dub) Jackson and is for those people who had a breakup and wants to reconcile back with their Exes. In this book the author explains in detail a number of ways to consider to rebuild a relationship.

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What this book is about?

When going through a rough phase such as breakup in like, people tend to search answers everywhere, the most common one being nowadays is the internet. Here there are many self-help books, articles and blogs available as how to cope up with the break up and all. Moreover different people give different suggestions. We come to know there are many people out there who face such similar problems. Some get there answers or move on while some continue to search for answers.

The magic of making up explores different reasons of breakup and asks the readers to look and analyze all the reasons for the breakup. It tries to end the people’s search for answers but itself answering many of the questions creating havoc in the mind of the reader.

Also, this book is quite simple to understand and implement.  A number of friendly examples are provided by the author that clearly tells the person what not to do in a relationship. The tactics in this book are psychological in nature are can be quite powerful and effective.

The author looks into various symptoms that a person suffers during or after a break up, such as loss of appetite, feeling depressed, thinking constantly about the other person, continuously checking the messages or mails or call the other person repeatedly, rehearsing endlessly what should you have said or what are you going to say as soon as you meet you ex, and many more symptoms.

Apart from the symptoms the author also explains all the mistakes that are made and explains in a simple manner how to control one’s emotions.  For example, begging your ex to take you back or continuously apologizing for everything.

Try to stop the break up:

The very first step the author suggests is to try to stop the break up. According it is always better to try to save your relationship before the spark in that relationship ends. If a person takes conscious steps in that direction then a relationship can be saved.

This book the author suggests to stay calm and think before taking any action. Everybody has a different point of view and analyzing a situation by taking into consideration the partners point of view can be a very good start to understand a relationship more deeply.

The author gives many tips and advises in this matter as how to reignite a relationship and avoid arguments or wounds.

Getting back to your Ex:

Many people want to get back together, but they don’t know to do that. Sometimes the ego comes in between or sometimes the couples are not sure whether they really want to get together or they are just not able to let go their Ex. This dilemma makes the situation even more complicated and painful.

The author of this book gives suggestions as how one must approach his or her ex. One must be calm and think clearly as how to approach. For example, you may just write a note to your ex reminding him or her the good times that were spent together. Like this you can write a note according to the situation you are in so that, that note can leave an impact on the other person.

Also, this books also suggests some more ideas as how one must make the first move as your contribution to save your relationship.

The most basic question:

The first question that can enter in a person’s mind when thinking to make up with the Ex is that whether the other person is still interested or not.

The magic of makeup answers this question quite intelligently and also suggests you what you must look for to get this answer. This book gives ideas as how one must look and recognize the hints about whether there is still some hope left in the relationship or not.

Apart from this, there are many more techniques that will help you and will compel your ex to think about you or consider going for a date with you.


All the techniques and suggestions in this book will help you to regain your confidence in your relationship and will also help and empower you to take the necessary steps towards that.

The author helps you to realize that the relationship is not something to be afraid of and that one must look at their relationship from a different and a more positive point of view. The author helps the people in the relationship to become free and consider their relationship as a learning experience and not as a bad experience.

Techniques and suggestions:

There are many other benefits that can be gained from this book. Some examples of the things that you can learn from this book are;

  • A fast forward technique that the author teaches can help in gaining instant relief from the pain of a break up. This technique can help the person to feel better instantly.
  • The reason a man leaves a women. This book will tell you that beauty or age or such similar reasons are not the exact reasons that a man leaves a women and will let you know the exact reason.
  • What women want in a relationship? This books helps you learn the technique to give the women what she craves for and you will not loose her.
  • In another technique, the author tell the people when must one ask for an apology from their partner. Sometimes even if you are not at fault, asking for an apology can work wonder, while other times asking for an apology may worsen the case and may further strain a relationship.
  • The author easily explains the clean state method and how to break the pattern to start a relation again from start. He explains how to use these techniques to forget all the hurtful things that are said to each other and how to move on to restart a relationship.
  • Also the author gives some tips and instructions on what exactly to do or say in front of your Ex in a date.
  • The instant reconnect technique works at a subconscious level and tries to convince the lovers that you both are still together.

These are just some examples on what you will find in the magic of making up. The author suggests many more techniques that can help to save a relationship.

No Claims made by author:

Nowhere in the book has the author claimed to be a therapist or a counselor. The author just considers himself as a man who just wants to help people with their relationships and guide the people in need so that they can have a good and a fulfilling relationship.  According to him his ways are quite unconventional and they still help a number of people.

The author himself has a lot of practice and experience in helping people.

However his concern is that these techniques must not be used by people with wrong intensions such as stalkers or crazy people.


  • This book can really be considered as a genuine guide to get your Ex back.
  • This book not only encourages you but gives you a level of confidence that will be needed to save a relationship.
  • The step by step techniques provided by the author is quite amazing.
  • The information that is provided is really easy to understand and implement.
  • The author can be contacted by email and he answers all the queries.
  • If you are not satisfied with the product or if the techniques in the book is not working for you, you can get full refund within 60 days of purchase.


  • It is not necessary that the techniques will work for everybody as there are no magic techniques.
  • This book works best only for recently ended relationships.
  • Some people were offended with this book, because according to them this book teaches how to manipulate a situation. But this is obviously not true considering all the positive responses the author receives from the people who found this book very helpful.

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9.6 Total Score
Bottom Line

This book can be helpful for people seeking advice to save their relationship. All the techniques stated in this book can be effective depending upon the person and upon the situation. The author has worked hard to provide a solution to avoid breakups and make a relationship more meaningful.

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